Retirement Operators

We care about people who care

In this ever changing world we appreciate the demands placed on the healthcare sector not only to keep up with current digital demands but to be ready for any future developments.

Legrand Care offers solutions that meet the requirements of nursing homes, retirement communities, care groups, and hospitals in the private and public sectors. These solutions assist in more efficiently organising daily workflows so that care givers can reduce stress and spend more time with residents and patients.

We strive to develop solutions that guarantee three essential needs in these environments; safety, efficiency, and reliability. Thanks to our solutions, residents can live with the assurance that in the event of any need, they will receive immediate, personal, and professional care.

All Legrand telecare systems of the NOVO family can be managed remotely via internet. Employees gain valuable time and can devote themselves more to their actual task of care and support.

Personal alarm, Novo carephone
and Novo Smile

Quick and easier. Have peace of mind that someone will always be there for you whenever you need them.

Legrand Care technology has quickly become an industry force being adopted by customers including Tunstall Healthcare, Blueforce, St Vincents, Villa Maria Catholic Homes, St Vincent Healthcare, Richfield Village, Lilydale Valley Views, Meracare, Hume Retirement Resort and Blue Hills Residence to name a few.

Some of our Clients:

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